
DIY Funnel Cakes - Cookpad Recipes

DIY Funnel Cakes - Cookpad Recipes
DIY Funnel Cakes - Cookpad Recipes

Enjoy the deep-fried funnel cake awesomeness of the state fair all year round with this DIY recipe.

DIY Funnel Cakes

  •     Vegetable oil, for frying
  •     2 cups Bisquick™ Original baking mix
  •     1 cup milk
  •     2 eggs
  •     Powdered sugar, for topping

  1.     Pour oil about one inch deep into a large saucepan or stockpot. Heat over medium heat until a candy thermometer reads 350°F to 360°F.
  2.     Meanwhile, combine Bisquick™, milk and eggs in a large bowl; stir until well mixed. Pour batter into squeeze dispenser bottles.
  3.     When oil is fully heated, carefully squeeze batter in a circular motion, close to the oil, until a mini funnel cake forms (don't make more than 2 cakes at a time). Fry 30 seconds on each side until golden brown, then transfer with a slotted spoon to a paper towel-lined baking sheet to drain.
  4.     Repeat with remaining batter, making sure oil temperature stays within 350°F to 360°F.
  5.     Sprinkle warm funnel cakes with powdered sugar.
